A bit later

I think it's the handmaiden.

I went back to Gome to see whether I could get any explanations about why the DVD player(s) aren't working with the new TV. I was informed that a worker would come here tomorrow afternoon.

Meanwhile, it'd appear from Chris's comment that Internet access is probably being limited from here. I'm not sure whether this is Nanny's local handmaiden (which seems likely) or an increase in local Internet traffic in the wake of the earthquake.

There are no problems with national websites. I got straight on to China Daily, which is the reason why I'm back. The bottom side bar of the page about the earthquake has the following advertisement:

Alibaba is the largest B2B marketplace in the world. Source model ship, wooden puzzle, one-piece toilet, RC hovercraft, photo album, prom dress, pocket bike, Vaginal Speculum, Samurai Sword, String Panty and PVC Pipe.

Am I imagining things?

Bugger. I've just had a text message to say that the IELTS class want to have class next period not the one after. Must dash.


Anonymous said…
Ah, yes, now the 'Choose an Identity' (sounds like a fucked up reality TV/game show) choices are Google/Blogger, Other, and Anonymous. Mystery of that 'blogger identity' solved. Needless to say I won't be using my Google ID to sign in.

Anyway, the point is:


(how to make that a more suitable size?)

So, yes, the earthquake is fucking around with your internet. And your phone, too, perhaps.

The more long term problems could be a variety of Nannies handmaidens- within the ISP, within anyone of whichever fruity, nutty mix of government departments administer internet access, and the government department thing could apply at the district, city, or provincial level. Actually, so could the ISP thing. Nanny is more a large collective of handmaidens working more or less to some kind of mysterious central direction than one great monolithic great firewall encircling the Mainland.
Uncle Angel said…
Thanks for the link even although I can't get through to it. The connection is being made because titles are appearing, but the page isn't loading. I don't know why Google/blogger should be different in this respect.

I think Nanny's local serving wench is a little unstable myself considering the bumpy connectivity I've had from here lately. There are sites I get through to eventually, but I don't know why it should be second or third attempts. Wish the old bat would just leave things alone.

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