Oh good grief moments in China

Wrong number.

I don't know what it is about people in this country, but they seem completely unable to conceive that they've dialled a wrong number even although they've phoned you several times. I've just had a succession of phone calls in the past twenty minutes, all obviously from the same person or people. No matter how many times Uncle Angel is on the other end sounding slightly like the most total laowai in the country, they don't seem to grasp that they're calling the wrong number.

There was a delay between the latest call and the preceding one because, it'd appear, that if you wait, the number magically becomes correct. Or I turn into the person they really want. I guess it's like when the coach becomes a pumpkin in Cinderella. (Yes, I really do mean it that way round.)

This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened to me here, although it's the first time it's happened since I got the mobile.


Anonymous said…
When I lived in Changsha, wrong numbers would keep calling every five minutes all fucking day unless I either:
1: Took the phone off the hook.
2: Went out.
3: Got online (good old fashioned dial-up has its uses, even if it is running at a fraction of the speed it's supposed to thanks to the fucked up school network).

Apparently no answer or a constant busy signal are more effective at convincing Changsharen they really do have the wrong number.

And my Blogger display name is back. Weird. Google is truly evil.

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