
All the cool kids are using it.

In case you missed it:

yiyin (n) – a word converted from some language into Chinese characters.
yiyinise (vb) – to turn a word from some language into Chinese characters.
yiyinisation (n) – the act of turning a word from some language into Chinese characters.

I e-mailed the people at the OED.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I've invented a new word.

Yours &c.
Uncle Angel.

PS All the cool kids are using it.

I think they're really excited, because here's the reply.

daer uncle angel,

thnk u fr yr ml mssge. i'm ttlly tpng yur new wd into teh oed dtbse rght now. rly i am.

yurs sncrely,

adfaef igfiug.

ps teh oed is too kewl for skool.

Strange sort of name. I think he/she might be Ethiopian. Also interesting how the person uses that techie orthographers language. I can hardly understand it.

So there. You now know someone who got a word into the OED.


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