More than just geological aftershocks?

What's happened to the Net?

Last night I noticed that the windows were rattling. I went out onto the balcony because I thought it might've been windy, but it was still. It wasn't until this morning when I saw a mail message from my father that I found that there'd been an earthquake in this part of the world. I saw that the epicentre was just south of Taiwan.

My Internet experience this lunchtime has been abysmally bad. Not everything is inaccessible, but quite a lot is. I was surprised I was able to get onto blogspot because LJ and Spaces are both unavailable. The Guardian, which is normally reliable, is off the menu. So is ESWN. Danwei was all right, though. It seems that there's only partial access to international websites from China (just Fujian and perhaps Guangdong?) at the moment.

I've been wondering whether this is a consequence of the quake being in such close proximity to Taiwan which has led to lots of people doing searches for "earthquake Taiwan".

And if that's not bad enough, the water's off; and I can't run my DVD player through my new TV for some reason. Bugger!


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