In media res

Perhaps I've been overdoing it.

I'm taking a chance by starting a blog on blogspot. All right, if you've followed the link here from Green Bamboo [Defunct link deleted.], it's because once again I'm unable to post anything. I don't know why exactly, just as I don't know why I was suddenly able to post again this afternoon. I may learn the answer to at least one of these questions in due course. My current theory is that there's a limit on the number of entries you can post in a specific period on Spaces. I don't know whether there's also a limit on the number of RSS feeds you can have at any one time, but when I checked my stats, I'd had a whole bunch of 'em, and my hit count had reached 3214.

Anyway, I suspect that it's the number of posts that's done for me.

And why is starting a blog here taking a chance? Because Nanny in her infinite hysteria might block blogspot yet again [There was much on-off blocking of blogspot before it was left unmolested in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. Sad to say it got blocked and because Nanny hates Google to pieces, it’s unlikely to be unblocked.]; although I'd simply use anonymouse [sic!] to get round that. [Anonymouse was blocked years ago.]

Think of this as the emergency version of Green Bamboo. It may not get used much, but it might be used to take the pressure off my Spaces blog. [Spaces was transferred to WordPress in 2010, which was blocked a few days ago.]

12.10.11. Various revisions and edits.


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