Character of the day – 提

Getting carried away.

提 () is another character that seems to have sailed into view quite a few times recently. It can mean

  1. carry (in hand with arm hanging down)
  2. move upward; raise; promote
  3. move up (a date); advance
  4. speak of; mention; put forward
  5. draw; take out; withdraw
  6. bring or take out from prison under escort; summon
  7. dipper; ladle

It's also pronounced , but my big dictionary gives it in the words 提防 (dīfang) "be on guard against" and 提溜 (dīliu) "hold in hand".

提 () is used in words such as 提出 (tíchū) "put forward; raise"; 提法 (tífa) "the way something is put; formulation; wording"; 提高 (tígāo) "raise; lift; improve"; 提名 (tímíng) "nominate". (Can I make a bad pun about nomination depending on timing? [Not bloody likely. –ed.])

提 is also used in the word 提琴 (tíqín) "any instrument of the violin family". The violin is the 小提琴 (xiǎo tíqín) "little tíqín"; the viola the 中提琴 (zhōng tíqín) "middle tíqín"; the cello the 大提琴 (dà tíqín) "big tíqín"; and the double bass is the 低音提琴 (dīyīn tíqín) "bass tíqín".


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