The fixing of the TV

Could I be more humiliated?

I can now watch the DVD player through the TV. I could've fixed the problem myself as I discovered when I looked at the manual again, but I relied on the diagram for information. I can read enough of the Chinese to know exactly which lead should've been plugged in to which socket. Actually, I should be able to wire up the external speakers as well.

Right now, I'm feeling dumber than Class 13. I'm going to be charitable and suppose that this is due to being woken up early on a few too many occasions this week, and feeling flustered by various events that have happened this week and are yet to come. Thus I'm tired, and when I get tired my concentration flies out the window.

It's either this excuse or the other one. The one I'd rather not contemplate. The one where I'm descending into the Slough of Stupidity which, I've observed, seems to affect middle-aged people. Not that I'm middle-aged yet. [Keep telling yourself that, you old git. –ed.]


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