It's so easy to forget

The whole Chinese character set.

A couple of days ago I determined that I should try to remember the character 创 (chuàng) meaning "start doing sth.; achieve". Did I? Well, sort of, but only after much kicking of my memory. At school it's used in some slogan about keeping the school green. Actually, the verb is 创设 (chuàngshè) meaning "found; create".

I went into town this afternoon and kept seeing the character 招 (zhāo) everywhere I went. It can mean "beckon; recruit, invite; offend; infect; confess". I can't place it in context, but I'm guessing that it had something to do with inviting people to do, er, something. I can't see any collocations in the dictionary that look familiar.


Anonymous said…
Re: the tenth don't on your uncommentable blog:

WTF?! Is that minbeihua or some even more obscure dialect? 忌语 isn't in any of my dictionaries.

lzh translates it as "Don't say service taboo", and I'm trying to find out what that is supposed to mean. She says "Maybe there are some taboo in service field. Not sure" She seems to think I should understand that just fine. Maybe it means "Hey bitch! Bring me a fucking steak now" is not an appropriate way to order food.
Uncle Angel said…
I've posted your comment in part over on the other blog. A search for 忌语 yielded 120K hits. It's obviously a common collocation, but it not regarded as a compound. The phrase 服务忌语 gets 30,300 hits. Perhaps it means something like "Be polite when dealing with others".

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