It's all symbolic

A return on your investment.

Dilemma 45 is a Biblical tale about a merchant who gives each of his servants some money according to their merits. When he got back, the servants he’d rewarded most richly had doubled the money. The one he’d awarded the least amount to returned it and was cast into outer darkness.

I was going to dismiss this as an irrelevant Biblical parable. The discussion at the back of the book says that this story has been used as an excuse to make money. Profitliness [sic] is next to godliness.

But I realised that I can actually apply the parable to myself. I dispense the coins of knowledge and get no return on most of them because my little darlings are already in the outer darkness. Let them stay there, although I’d rather not be pouring coins into a bottomless well as I do.

So where are the ethics? If my pupils do the work, and listen to what I’m telling them, they’ll benefit. Thus the right thing for them to do is to listen to me.

And pigs will fly the day that happens.

Tomorrow (and this time I really do mean tomorrow), Job suffers divine abuse.


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