I don't like Grandpa Alloi

“Well, just eat the chips.”

Professor Quesay, who has been studying the Alloi tribe, is invited to Grandpa Alloi’s seventieth birthday dinner. During the course of the meal, he wonders where the old man is, and then sees his glasses in the tureen. Professor Quesay, who’s obviously rather absent-minded, only then remembers that in Alloi society, it’s the duty of the children to kill their parents when they reach the age of 70 and eat the body.

The professor turns rather green now that he realises what, well, who he’s been eating. Of course, it’s a great insult to turn down the fare on offer.

There’s nothing Professor Quesay can do; and why shouldn’t he continue to enjoy the meal as he did initially?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Custom is king. The professor may not like it, but he can only lump it. The Alloi would probably wonder what sort of weird society interred or cremated their dead.

Anyway, dog rescue tomorrow. A heart-warming story from the Trevor MacDonald And Finally… series.


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