The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

Or something like that.

After a bomb attack in People’s Republic Diktatia, the government has the usual suspects rounded up. Basically, they should name the bombers or they’ll all be shot. Problem is, they have no idea who the bombers are. It’s suggested that two of them should admit to being the bombers so that the others can go free.

Yeah, free to be rounded up the next time someone slaughters a bunch of innocent people strikes a blow for freedom. [Revised by the Freedom Fighters’ Association of Diktatia. –ed.] There’s no solution as far as I can see. So long as the government of Diktatia acts in such an arbitrary fashion it won’t really matter whether two of those rounded up sacrifice themselves or not. There’s nothing to stop the survivors being rounded up a second time or a third or etc. It probably wouldn’t even matter whether a bomb went off while they were all banged up. The government of Diktatia is probably so paranoid that the lives of the hostages would be no more secure as a result.

Tomorrow, a dinner party with a difference. It’s that custom thing again.


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