FH5, Rally Adventure, What has been done

Cannot be undone.

(Unless you click on the Reset button and get an out-of-date version of the game.)

And that’s all the team stuff done in Sierra Nueva. I even managed to get the remaining alien artefacts… I mean, glowing crates this afternoon without the a­mount of grief I was expecting. I then did the re­mai­n­ing stuff for Horizon Raptors, with my S1 class 1965 Mini Cooper tearing up the rest of the dirt races, and that barge-like Dakar-style Mini dealing with the off road stuff.

The only remaining things to do are the accolades for Horizon Open and Horizon Tour which I might do tonight or to­mor­row.

What now? Weekly visits to Sierra Nueva to do the playlist and perhaps occasional voluntary visits there, but there’s no compelling reason for me to return un­less, for example, I decide to do the Goliath instead of the Titan as my long off-road race.

I suspect that a lot of the enthusiasm for the Rally Adventure is a consequence of its novelty rather than any considered opinions about it. For me Lego Valley had the Falcon Speedway; for the drifty boys, Fortune Island had the Needle. For me the Hot Wheels ex­pan­sion has the Goliath (but even that has been re­duced to an occasional outing), but what compelling feature does Sierra Nueva have? Perhaps like FH4 the quarry is a good place to amass skill points.

If you don’t have the Hot Wheels expansion or Rally Adventure, I’d wait till the sales before Christmas and get the ultimate(/premium) upgrade for a song. It’s how I ended up with Lego Valley and Fortune Island.


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