FH5, Testing the Formentor seasonal
After finding that I wasn’t the only player to find that the drivatars were misbehaving in the Formentor seasonal, I did some testing. For my first building, I added race weight reduction first, and then other upgrades after that. It got me a PWR of 0.303 and the following results for the races: San Juan: 04:09.275 [+0.667]. I was about a second and a half in the lead when the back end slid near the end of the race, and the drivatar closed the gap. Desierto: I forgot to record the time, but I was a goodly distance ahead of the drivatars at the end of the race. But it was a scrappy race at the start with mush sliding sideways from one wall to another. Mulegé Scramble: 03:53.504 [+9]. A much greater gap than I was expecting. My second build was max. engine, but that still left me enough PI to add other components. I also added aero because of awkward shortcomings, but ended up with a PWR of 0.362. San Juan: 04:10.393 [+8]. Not dissimilar to the first result, but the Formentor outpace...