FH5, Series 20, Week 3

 I began with the vagaries of the treasure hunt, taking a guess that we were meant to win (?) a road race in a track toy.

The weekly started without any problems, but the outcome of the race at the drag strip didn’t register until I clicked on the tile and scrolled through the events. This was a task that should’ve taken about ten minutes in total, but the bug delayed my glorious progress.

The Eventlab tile was text-free again, but was live once I left my home. Five laps was a bit much on a surface that didn’t seem best suited to overpowered cars.

I PB’ed the jump by miraculously dodging the trees, and one-shotted the speed trap and drift zone. I disliked the game originally forcing players to use a particular type of car in the worst possible class, but I wish it would do PR stunts like Horizon 4, leaving me to choose the car.

In spite of the car exploiters in their Bone Shakers in Horizon Open, I managed to come 2nd round Plaza Circuit, which I attributed to my preference for cars that have handling. My main rival was a player in a 1992 Supra, which was much faster than me in a straight line, but he muffed the turns. After the second race we were level pegging, and he used the Supra’s speed to leave me trailing in Gran Pantano until the turn alongside the beach where he had a bit of an accident (too much speed, I assume)) and I sped through to take 2nd place and come 2nd equal overall.

Photo challenge. Nuff said.

For Fresh off the Grill I picked the 2009 Ford Focus. Street Scene. Ugh. Cruce de Valle was worse because the course was wet the spray from the drivatars caused chronic amounts of glare. The reward was a Ferrari 355, but should’ve been the F8 Tributo.

I looked at the requirements for Racing in Style and knew it would be a pain – B700 vintage racers. I opted for the Bentley 4½ litre, which struggled in the first race. Got to the finish and the game froze. Anyway, I restarted Horizon 5 and had a much better series of races, Decided to use chase cam rather than cockpit view, which may also have helped. The reward was the Countach, which was in keeping with the theme of supercars of yesteryear that your granddad might’ve owned if he was a rich bastard.

The Hot Wheels PR stunt was the annoying ice speed zone. Result, a pathetic SWS.

I took my A800 Mustang RTR Spec 5 out for American Dream. Water hazard circuit again, but utterly thrashed the drivatars. After completing the series I got a lame wheel spin.

I managed to PB the drift zone in Sierra Nueva in my Shelby Cobra and got another piss-poor SWS.

Once again the RA seasonal, Tour Galore, saw the Lancer Evo VIII out for a spin. Sound performance, although I still can’t take half the corners without sliding into the barriers. Bugger! Reward: clothing. Sigh.

After all this I not only had the seasonal cars, but the McLaren F1, and apart from the Mission R next week, the series is mostly over.


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