FH5, Testing the Formentor seasonal

After finding that I wasn’t the only player to find that the drivatars were misbehaving in the Formentor seasonal, I did some testing.

For my first building, I added race weight reduction first, and then other upgrades after that. It got me a PWR of 0.303 and the following results for the races:

  • San Juan: 04:09.275 [+0.667]. I was about a second and a half in the lead when the back end slid near the end of the race, and the drivatar closed the gap.
  • Desierto: I forgot to record the time, but I was a goodly distance ahead of the drivatars at the end of the race. But it was a scrappy race at the start with mush sliding sideways from one wall to another.
  • Mulegé Scramble: 03:53.504 [+9]. A much greater gap than I was expecting.

My second build was max. engine, but that still left me enough PI to add other components. I also added aero because of awkward shortcomings, but ended up with a PWR of 0.362.

  • San Juan: 04:10.393 [+8]. Not dissimilar to the first result, but the Formentor outpaced the drivatars. Aero might’ve kept it planted.
  • Desierto: 02:22.175 [+6]. I wouldn’t be surprised if the time was also similar to the previous race.
  • Mulegé Scramble: 03:54.569 [+11]. The gap to the drivatars increased, but the time was a little slower. Again, aero, but given how twisty this course is, that might actually have helped.

I did a third build out of curiosity, which was a combination of tyres and engine. The PWR was 0.343, but no aero.

  • San Juan: 04:06.005 [+4]. Not such a great gap, but the time improved. I should note that I did this series of races about an hour after the previous two, which means that the time can’t be attributed to practise.
  • Desierto: 02:15.848 [+8]. An even bigger improvement in the time.
  • Mulegé Scramble: 03:51.364 [+9]. Less of an improvement, but that may be due to a lack of aero round a circuit which may benefit from it.

My original hypothesis was that the game wanted you to use maximum engine and minimum handling, but instead, the build with tyres and engine seemed to be the best choice. However, this is one seasonal in a predetermined car, which proves nothing in particular.

The drivatars remain quirky at best. In none of these three races apart from the first assay at San Juan did they behave badly.

I happened to do Copper Canyon in my 2018 911 GT2 RS a bit later. In that race about half of the drivatars zoomed off into the distance, which suggested that I was going to have a fight on my hands. Instead, by the time we got to the canyon I was in the lead. Weird.


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