FH5, Ginetta G10 RM

I went back to the Ginetta to see whether I could do anything sensible with it.

I tried building it to the top of A class because, I believed (deluded boy), it’d be drivable. No, the back end still wanted to be the front end, and wet conditions made it worse.

I rebuilt the car to be all handling, but left it RWD. Same again. The back end kept wanting to step out, and rain and wet roads made it hopeless to drive, with me sliding across corners into walls. The solution – imperfect but it works – was to stretch out 1st gear to four units on the graph and have the other gears at one unit each (7-speed gearbox).

As I said, this is an imperfect solution. I also found myself still having to be very careful through the corners by being somewhat slow and taking a wide line to prevent the car from spinning.

The other part of the solution was to set up races so that they were dry. Many of the stock races are currently wet, which makes the G10 a nightmare to drive competently. I assume from specifically stating in the blueprints that the races were in the dry, I got 20 kudos, which is the most I’ve been awarded at one go. (I suppose I should say “20 kudoi”, which is the correct plural in Classical Greek.)

The problem seems to be for a car that’s so light, it has too much engine (and the only engine swap is to a 7.2l V8). A skilled player on a controller might not have too many issues, but on a keyboard, the car is a hostile racing environment.

I also wish that PGG had added the G55 GT4 instead. The G10 seems to be a Mazda MX-5 on steroids, and instead of being fun to drive, it refuses to play nicely. It also seems to be the “cute” retro car in the Ginetta lineup, but that’s no guarantee it’s fun.

Overall, it’s a car I want to like, but will probably mostly ignore unless we’re forced… sorry, required to drive it in the Festival playlist.

Next up: the McLaren Sabre. Is it as bad as they say it is?


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