Another update for my little Internet helper

The new version.

After several days of reasonable good service, the forces of ignorance seem to have been trying their hardest to strangle my Internet assistant. However, this afternoon, I managed to get the latest version, and things seem to be fairly steady at the moment. Once again, I’m able to see the real Internet as I ought to be able to see it. If the Chinese want to stick their heads in the sand and their government want them to stick their heads in the sand, they’re welcome to wallow in their ignorance.

In fact, there’s something disturbingly wrong with countries whose governments are so obsessed with keeping their citizens so ignorant. In China it’s because the government is obsessed with keeping power at all costs; though because the population is so zombie-like already, they could unblock most of the Internet, and it wouldn’t, I believe, make any real difference. The number of people who hate blocks on Facebook, YouTube and other non-porn sites is, I suspect, tiny. I’ve always maintained that the people hurt most of all are the poor sodding expats.

Mind you, it’s a little disturbing to look at the supposed bastions of democracy and wonder whether they’re that different at all. Both America and China are large countries with parochial populations, which barely look beyond their own noses. Both Britain and China have governments which seem to believe in their divine right to govern for eternity. The Tories always disgusted me with their belief that they were the natural party of government, and then Nu Labour aped them (or possibly did what any British government would do, viz. claim that the God of the Christians had anointed them to rule forever).

I’m tired; I’m not in the best mood.


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