So what's the matter with Live Journal?

Dose of the flu?

I did a little experiment last night, posting to WordPress using IE9, Firefox and Chrome. Apart from the WP toolbar being quirky with Firefox and Chrome, there were no further problems.

Live Journal has remained quirky today. From home I still can’t access LJ or if I can, it’s temporary. I can see some parts of the site, but not others, and then the former join the latter. From school I was able to edit an entry, but when I tried to post a new entry, I hit a brick wall. The odd thing is, it doesn’t matter whether I’m using Freegate or not: I can’t post new entries on my LJ blog. When I did manage to see the LJ status page, it claimed all was well. Mind you, that may be like Windows saying, “This device is working properly” when you rather suspect it’s probably doing no such thing.

I’m hoping the current situation is temporary although I don’t know where the problem lies.

Of the various blog hosts, what’s still accessible from this darkest of dark holes on the Internet? If we class LJ with the damned, then there’s nothing almost nothing left. I did try Yahoo!’s 360 service awhile back, but because they’re the toadies of the imperial government and because one of my posts got nuked, I’ve ignored them ever since. Also, who ever runs across a Yahoo! blog? What about a pay-per-view blog? Well, that’s my LJ blog. I have thought that pay-per-view blogs might be immune from Nanny’s strictures because they’d be well beyond the pocket of most imperial citizens, but that’s just a piece of personal mythology.

If I don’t look at the big providers, where else do I look? A friend of mine uses the New Zealand-based blogtown, but the question will remain whether it can be accessed from the Empire without Freegate or a VPN or simply by leaving and going to a civilised country.

Bloody hell. There’s even something called edublogs, which isn’t really what I’m after although that’s not to say it might not be useful in a professional capacity.

I think I might wait and see what happens to LJ, but things are looking rather gloomy on that front. I’m quite happy to use blogger and WordPress through the magic of Freegate, and it’s not as if Linda learns anything from my blogs which we don’t discuss via qq or Skype.


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