Live Journal live again

Unless you’re using Firefox. Sort of.

At school I was able to append material to existing entries on my Live Journal blog, but I was unable to post anything new. At home, I still can’t access Live Journal at all via Firefox, even via mail messages advising me of unwelcome comments. That has been the means by which I’ve been visiting LJ from school.

For want of any solution to the problem at home, I switched to Chrome and – make surprised face now – everything worked. I could log in to LJ, see my blog, and post a new entry. I double checked with IE9 and met with the same success.

What is it about my version of Firefox at home that’s preventing me from getting near Live Journal? I thought it might be noscript, but disabling that made no difference. I wondered whether some cookie was affecting access, but deleting ones with .ru in them didn’t help. But… but… Doh! I should’ve deleted the LJ cookies.



There’s my blog… No, I can’t log in. Nor can I get to the main Live Journal page.

Well, it seems that you should ignore almost everything I’ve just said. At the time of writing, I can’t see Live Journal with Chrome or IE9; I can see it with Firefox, but I can’t log in. I thought the problem had been resolved, but perhaps I happened to get lucky. There’s one other thing I can try, but so long as I’m on blogger, I can’t use it. That is, I can’t log in to LJ because I’m using my Internet assistant to post an entry here.

And what was the solution, if it was even that? Last night, I found that if I reloaded the page in Chrome, Live Journal was working again. The same proved true in Firefox and IE9; and my Internet assistant was off. That was last night.

This morning, Firefox just doesn’t want to know; Chrome doesn’t want to know; IE9 doesn’t want to know. I think the problem may be my Internet assistant, and the way it functions. Anyway, for the moment, I want to see the real Internet and not just the bits which some bunch of brain-dead, zombie-ruling, peasant-brained despots want me to see.

And the answer actually is… It was my Internet assistant. Quite why it buggers up access to Live Journal, I don’t know, but I can guess. I’m now hoping that LJ will behave itself because since that’s the only blog Linda can see, it’s going to end up seeing me a little more often.


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