Three-score and two years ago

Party time!

Yes, it’s that day again when the Empire celebrates the occasion when the new emperor stepped up to the microphone in Tiananmen Square in 1949, took a deep breath and said, “Would the owner of the Audi A6 who’s left his car outside Zhongshan Park please move it as it’s blocking the entrance.” There was a pause. This was not the announcement the crowd was expecting. “Oh, shit! That’s my car. Sorry about this.” (The headline in The Daily Propagandist the next day was ‘Grateful nation gives emperor Audi A6’.)

And when he got back to the mic, he spent three and half dull hours reminding everyone who wasn’t a.) the new emperor of the Chinese Empire or b.) rich and important that they should obey the law.

“Coming up next, the Hundred Flowers Campaign in which I’ll trick everyone into revealing what they really think about the new regime and how it’s the same as the old one, and then I’ll destroy their lives. And if you think that’s fun, wait till you see what I have in mind for you next.”

While Britain has been roasting, the weather here has gone downhill and probably won’t be climbing back up any time soon. It seems that we may be in for another long winter.


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