Live Journal or Dead Journal?

A lunchtime update.

I’m using lunch as an excuse to add some further information about the current state of Live Journal, but I should really be ploughing through lunch and getting on with marking some tests while at the same time enjoying a horrible little headache.

There’s a story about Live Journal on Global Voices which offers some hints about the current cranky state of the service. I don’t know whether everyone is banging their head against a brick wall trying to access their blogs or anyone else’s. The Information Policy site has this post from early August about the mis­treatment of Live Journal. It looks like the Russian authorities (though which authorities is another matter) are probably to blame for the current state of affairs and that Live Journal is about to become Dead Journal.

17.10.11. The latest update is that I was able to update an LJ post and access most of the site, but I was unable to post anything new.

18.10.11. Still unable to post new entries on LJ, but was able to edit one. So, nothing new to report.


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