WordPress is off

Another victim falls to self-delusional paranoia.

I was at school this afternoon when Linda told me that she’d been unable to access my WordPress blog (Green Bamboo) all day. I checked and yes, sure enough, without that little program to help me get past the big, bad wolf, WP had been blocked. I’m surprised that the service has been accessible for so long because in the past it’s been one of the victims. If blogspot has been buggered, then WP has probably also been buggered.

What’s the deal this time? Well, it might be mainly because of the spat about a Mr D. Lama of Tibet trying to visit South Africa for his friend’s birthday only to be prevented from going for the most doubtful reasons. That’s top of my list, but I have also seen stories about the imperial government getting even more paranoid about social media. Although that might specifically refer to Weibo and other Twitter rip-offs, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nanny was skimming through the list of blog hosts and found that WP was still open to the 老百姓. The old girl probably blew a fuse.

Anyway, has WP finally gone the way of blogspot or is this some bout of temporary extreme paranoia?

I’m now having problems with Live Journal, but that may be something else and I need to do a little experiment.

Later. Actually, the reason for the block may have something to do with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, which the BBC called (coyly) the 100th anniversary of the deposing of the last emperor.

Meanwhile, the problem with LJ persists and I’ve been having problems posting to WP. I can do a bunch of admin stuff on both sites, was able to post an entry on LJ, but couldn’t post a revised entry on WP. Seems a little strange that those two services should both be having very similar problems at the same time.

Later than later. I can access bits of LJ, but now cannot log on to the site. WordPress seemed to come right, but there are still quirky problems with the text editing box not loading properly or disappearing if I switch from one tab to the other. The site is, of course, still blocked from China.


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