FH5, Alfa Romeo 4C

My association with this car started way back with the 4C Concept in Most Wanted (2012), where I liked the car (in spite of weird NFS handling). My first encounters with the 4C in FH4 were, I believe, less happy, but it was a car I eventually returned to, rebuilt, and got something better out of it.

Since yesterday’s daily was to do a Street Scene race (vomit!) in an Alfa Romeo, I specced the 4C up to A800. RWD, semi-slick tyres and because of the unbalanced weight distribution, aero. It seemed to perform quite well, and it was time to take it for a turn along the usual courses.

My overall observation is that the handling is sound around the curves (e.g. Dunas Blancas) and around the sharper corners (e.g. various sprints and Plaza Circuit).

I decided to turn down the aero to see whether that had any impact on the car, but it didn’t. Even down a wet Copper Canyon there were only occasional, inconsequential slides which probably came from me trying to push it a little too hard.

I finished off by adding engine components which also reduced the weight, and went for full race weight reduction, which took the 4C down to 768kg. I put the aero back to race tuning (although possibly not strictly necessary; I may have been being overly cautious) and got an absolutely solid performance in all the races. I was 9 seconds ahead of the drivatars by the end of Plaza Circuit.

That said, I was still taking late leads in Descansar Dorado, and in more than one race, the 2018 Audi TT was an utter rocket. I also had another race where the podgy, dumpy Nissan Z was a missile. Launch wasn’t the greatest, either, with the drivatars zooming past, but I do have a longish first gear to obviate wheel spin. I had a Cayman come hurtling up behind me a couple of times at an alarming speed, but nothing ever came of it.

I’d say that if you want a decent car to drive in seasonals or just race against the drivatars, the Alfa Romeo 4C is a solid choice. I wouldn’t describe it as outstanding, but it’s nice to drive.


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