Here to help

Getting around that pernicious block.

For anyone who's stuck behind the Great Firewall, Nanny and her antics regarding blogspot, wordpress, and Live Journal are a sodding great nuisance. Fortunately, if you're using Firefox, there's a fix available at Lost Laowai which allows you to view blogspot and wordpress blogs.

And BTW, obviously, I'm back, but see the full story of my adventures (including the parts about which I forgot) over at Green Bamboo.

Actually, one thing I failed to mention was the amount of Chinese that I saw in Auckland. There were a lot more signs in Chinese than I was expecting to see, although the one which amused me the most was for a Vietnamese restaurant called 漢山 hàn shān which means "Han (as in 'Han Chinese') Mountain". There was a Chinese takeaway near the motel where I was staying called The Great Tong (大唐 dà táng), the second character referring to the Tang Dynasty.


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