
It's a mood thing.

I happened to bump into some blog a couple of days ago on which the author declared that they were kind of bored with blogging, a sentiment with which I could sympathise. Recent news has been pretty dull, and there hasn't been much else going on that isn't a repeat of the usual thing – "Spaces is down once again etc." followed by "Now Spaces is back again etc."

Perhaps it's time to try a thematic blog of some sort. So far I've opted for quodlibet blogs, generally covering news, computers, dully daily life, film and book reviews, and languages and linguistics. There are enough news- (or politics-) themed blogs of varying sorts. There are blogs about computers and computing which, from the ones I've seen, appear to be little better than advertising and are seldom interesting. There are also plenty of daily life blogs, but my daily life is insufficiently interesting for that to be the sole theme on which I blog. A film blog? With a large supply of inexpensive DVDs available here in China, it'd be a possibility, but it wouldn't be up-to-date, and thus unlikely to interest anyone much. There are plenty of book review sites, and I have no ready source of recent books in English. As for a blog about languages and linguistics, there are also plenty of those as well, and I tend to think of my own entries on the subject as now-and-then posts.

If you can think of it, then someone's probably writing a blog about it. I have mused about a wholly fictional blog, taking some character from history and writing a bunch of spurious entries for that person. You could have Jane Austen's blog Sex and Sexuality about life and writing, and, when she's short of inspiration, a little oral pleasure from the vicar ("…I got that tingly feeling, and then had a couple of little moments before a big one; the vicar shortly after…"). Or Pope's blog True Wit: Nature to Advantage Dress'd, also on life and writing ("It should come as no small surprise that I am the greatest writer in the realm, and everyone else sucks balls…"). Or Henry VIII's blog Rutting and Reformation ("I pleasur'd her thrice with my boots on…"; "That fat f_ck, Cardinal Wolsey, gave me Hampton Court Palace today. Everyone was like 'Hey, cool', but d'you know how much f_cking money it costs to run and insure a place like that? That fat bastard is trying to bankrupt me…").

I'm sure all this has been done as well.


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