Where have they gone?

First Green Bamboo; now Xin Phoenix as well.

Green Bamboo is, once again, inaccessible (although if you're outside China you can probably see it). Under these circumstances, I'd normally wait out the usual three days of downtime on Xin Phoenix, but even that's off the menu. Spaces itself isn't blocked because I can still log in, but beyond that, I can go no further. There are, no doubt, other blogs as well which are being subject to the same bothersome indignity.

The other thing that makes this bothersome is that Green Bamboo was disconnected at the end of last week. As the first time, it was back after three days (on the third day he rose again), but I wasn't expecting another bout of disconnection until next month. For this to happen after a week is a nuisance; and for both blogs to be down is a bloody great nuisance.

I can't even come up with a coherent theory about the block. Right now, I can only view a few blogs on Spaces. Most are inaccessible. Why can I view some and not others?

I'll keep trying Green Bamboo and Xin Phoenix, but I'm betting that they won't be back before Monday. I can't help but feel that Nanny is trying to figure out how to block Spaces altogether (thus adding it to the list of blog sites blocked by the inGlorious Motherland – Live Journal, blogspot, wordpress etc.), but the technology has some kinks that need straightening out.
Or something. Who knows?

Right now, I'm edging towards making this my main blog. The advantage is that blogspot is already blocked from China, which means that I'm not going to be wondering about when Nanny will block it next. It's not a disadvantage because I'm currently able to circumvent the block.

(I fear that I'm just repeating previous posts. I'll try to stop doing that, but I only ever seem to come here when my other blogs are unavailable.)


bezdomny said…
Just for the record: I can read this blog, and others on the same service, poxy-free (yes that was a deliberate mis-spelling), so maybe it is time to make this your main blog.
Uncle Angel said…
Most Spaces blogs were blocked, apart from a few isolated ones.

I think you might be right. Blocked or not (and it hasn't mattered of late), blogspot is about to be promoted.

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