Today is what day?

The burning barrel.

The people next door seem to have been quite busy this morning. I got out my door to find them burning stuff in a barrel, and when I got back from the shops, I noticed that they had the table just near their front door set up like a shrine with pictures of a couple of people flanked by incense.

Sum of the angles.

From British-born Chinese Blog, there's this story about maths tests in China and England. The scary thing is that I think I can remember how to do all the things in the latter, which I'd regard as high school geometry at most.

The sort of maths that kids do here at high school would probably be beyond most undergraduates at British universities. I don't know why the Chinese insist on doing such advanced maths at school level. Like learning English, it's a waste of time for large numbers of pupils here who, once they leave school, will never need calculus or advanced geometry. I still think that for most of us, logic would've been a far more useful subject than maths ever was.

Nice of you to reappear.

I see that Spaces is working properly again. How long is that going to last?


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