FH5, Series 18, Week 3 (the rest)

Random gaming shit.

Yesterday it took me twice to launch FH5 before the game actually started. The weekly challenge was still not working, but I did manage to do the daily.

Today it took four attempts before the game worked. I had an invalid profile three times and one insta-CTD, but the game started and so did the weekly. Yes, after six days I finally managed to do it with a little help from the forums because I’d otherwise still be sear­ch­ing for the donkey piñata (just near the start of the trailblazer) in Guanajuato.

I then tried to do the daily, but was baffled as to why it wasn’t happening. Oh, it wasn’t five speed skills in Gua­na­jua­to, but in Playa Azul. Even when I was in the right place, the game didn’t tell me I’d completed the task.

Am I likely to get 100% completion this week for the first time ever? I may be. I did the Trial the other day because the daily wasn’t working. Actually, that went well until I decided to be too clever by half and turned in too soon ahead of a check­point. We won the first two races, but I felt a bit of a ’nana for botching the second race. At least I wasn’t last.

But the game continues to be an annoying crashfest which, I both hope and suspect, will only last another week before Series 19 arrives and perhaps fixes what Series 18 managed to bugger up.

Torben Tues… Wednesday. The clues were even va­guer and less informative than ever. I’ve been as­su­m­ing from the ex­ten­sion of night time that it’s going to be a Street Scene series (scream!) while the second ex­pansion gives us a dose of the rest.

While I like dirt racing, I wanted several more instances of the Falcon Speedway from Lego Valley.


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