FH5, Series 19, Preview

Night and day, you are the one.

Series 19 has been revealed. It seems that PGG was aiming for the American market. Cadillacs? Boring, blocky and ugly. A Lexus that players are overexcited about because… er… I have no idea why. The Ri­mac Nevera will be, I predict, barely any different from the Concept 2. Good for PR stunts, but that’s about it. They’re all genuinely new as opposed to being re­cy­cled from older Horizon or Motorsport games, which isn’t that much of a recommendation.

At least the ATS GT is back because that’s one of the cars I’m missing. Where, though, is the F8 Tributo? I want it back.

Body kits. I’m sure the piccie people will love these, but for serious racing, I’m sceptical about poser up­grades. I slapped a wide body on something a few month ago and it couldn’t take corners. Reverted to the stock body and the car was drivable. But why not a wider variety of wings instead? Why not tunable stock aero on cars that have it or tunable aero where the rear wing can be something other than Forza aero?

Bigger tyres. Why? Must be some niche thing. I think the tyres on off-roaders are already fat enough.

Extended night is temporary. Phew! It makes no sense to have night in the game at all except in Street Scene (vomit!) If you want more night, turn your monitors off and drive round aimlessly. Same effect.

Bug fixes. I was interested in this because although Horizon 5 has been a little less bad tempered over the past few days, there’s still too much CTD. On the list it said that there was some issue with using the pri­mary graphics card, which presumably means my RTX 3060 and not the Intel graphics. We’ll see if that puts a stop to constant crashes. Perhaps my 20Mb Event Viewer file helped.

Everyone seems to be screaming, “Best update evah!” It’s not a terrible update, but it’s another shrug.

By the way, if you’re going to release this on the 28th and the second expansion on the 29th, that should be the 28th and 29th everywhere on the planet, not just in America. And thus I shan’t be getting this update till tomorrow morning (the 29th) at the earliest, and the se­cond expansion probably won’t turn up till Thursday (the 30th). Patch Tuesday? No, it’s on a Wednesday for everyone else. If you asked someone at Microsoft what GMT was, they’d probably say Seattle time.


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