Spam boy? Moi?

I'll give you open proxy.

I've just tried to comment on a post on Chris's LJ blog only to be informed that it wasn't going to happen because, apparently, I'm on an open proxy which might be a source of spam. Contact your ISP, they say. Yeah, that's so not happening. I've been able to comment on other occasions without any problems so perhaps LJ has added some new software to detect possible sources of comment spam.

I suppose the solution is to create an LJ account, which isn't going to happen because it would make things complicated for reasons I won't go into. Well, perhaps I'll be able to comment tomorrow; but right now, it ain't happening.

Update: Tried posting a comment about the crapping Pope earlier this evening and had no problem. Dunno what the deal is.


Anonymous said…
It's strange, but I've also had the occasional problem commenting on LJ over the past couple of months, even when signed in as an LJ user. Never been accused of spamming, though, usually it just tells me there's been some kind of error. No shit, I click 'post' and it doesn't post. Obviously something is not going right. Equally obviously it's some technical issue (dodgy code? traffic?) that's come up recently.
Uncle Angel said…
I was wondering whether the routing might affect it. It may be that when I was commenting on your blog that time, the route there took it through an open proxy which was detected at the LJ end. I haven't had any problems since.

I dunno what things are like for you, but over the past few weeks I keep having to reload sites to get onto them. Is Nanny playing with some new software? Is she perhaps trying to be too subtle for her own good?
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing it's a local problem for you. I've had the occasional page not loading, but that is clearly because I'm using China Unicom's not-particularly-reliable wireless service which goes through their crappy cellphone network. It's cool when it works, but it can be a real pain in the arse. Nevertheless, I'm having far fewer problems than you. So I'd be inclined to blame your local ISP or network or how your ISP handles routing or all of the above. Doesn't sound too much like Nanny, although her local henchwench might be helping your ISP fuck things up for you. And the problems you mentioned in that earthquake post I did not have up here, so there may be something earthquake-related going on.

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